Monday, June 3, 2013

The Proposal

Ok, we have finally settled into the newest temporary house - it is small and falling to pieces but it is warm, the kitchen is a decent size, the showers are acceptable and we are so close to everything now. I am a convert to this suburb (esp with  major roadworks still happening just near our old/new house).

 The rebuild is back on track and will be finished by September or possibly sooner (we actually don't want sooner as we have a lease here until mid Sept and our budget needs those last few weeks to get some extras done on the new house. (budget has taken major hit with unexpected site works, and major services on both cars, sigh). Anyway, it is stuff we have bought upon ourselves and the house is looking pretty good. Front door goes in this week (fingers crossed) and the internal walls will be finished as well.
 Henry looking completely thrilled to be dragged through he house - again....
this is the kitchen and behind that wall is my lovely walk in pantry.

Ok, onto more interesting things. Anne, at Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge,  has come up with a wonderful challenge this month, document a proposal, whether it is your own or another persons, tell us a story. I have chosen Geoff proposing to me, with the wrong ring. All turned out well in the end..

I was tempted to tell of my first proposal (actually had forgotten about it until now - that's how significant it was) - I actually can't remember the blokes name - or if I was ever told it... I was moving to Brisbane to live with Geoff and some friends up north. We were selling everything that didn't fit in the back of the car including the washing machine. A young bloke turned up straight from the bush - hadn't been in the big smoke before (Wagga in the 1980's apparently counted as the big smoke as it had more than one set of traffic lights). He had never used a washing machine before and asked his Mum before buying it how to get one to work - "find a wife to use it for you" was her oh so helpful answer.

 So the young man took this advice seriously, and popped the question while standing over the machine. I laughed, thinking it was a joke, but no - he thought it was worth a try, save him the hassle of looking around I guess...

 An opportunity lost, sigh.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

LOL to your lo story! I love it!! And glad the house is moving along!!

Mitralee said...

oh man! First the page had me cracking up but your first proposal, never know!

I think houses take on a life of their own. I'm off work tomorrow to work on pouring concrete for our stair project. It started so long ago and we are finally taking a day off where it's supposed to be sunny all day!