Anyway this one is for Another Freaking Scrappy challenge.
The challenge this time is to scrap your birthplace and year – incorporating at least two things that were popular in culture that year as an embellishment (song title, historical event, movie, hero or heroine) – you can include baby photos instead of photos of your birthplace if you wish. Please include a link to another scrapbooking challenge website in your blog posting for this. If you are shy to scrap your year of birth, then why not try some hidden journalling????
And the prize is a $25 gift Voucher from!! Well worth recording a bit of your personal history for!!
Here is my year and me as a wee little one (apparently I was very good at projectile vomiting - probably didn't need to know that, sorry).

But the year I was born, 1967, was the year The Monkees were huge (how I loved them later in life), Elvis married Priscilla, Sgt Pepper's was released and Twiggy burst onto the scene. Talk about the height of the swinging 60's! Although I do suspect the place I grew up in was a little less hip...
I was initially a bit overwhelmed by this challenge but once I started on it, it was so much fun! So give it a go and also go check out some of the other ladies on our new design team, they are oh so talented!!
And as a bonus you can enter at Southern Girls Challenge as well because this theme would be more than suitable for the latest challenge over here. Two for the price of one!
I am completely behind on my scrapping. Matt is leaving for his overseas odyssey on Friday and that is consuming most of my spare time and energy at the moment. I think it has reached the stage where I will be sad but just relieved to get him on the plane. The weather in Moscow is slightly warmer than here so that is good for him. Although it is a worry when he says in all seriousness " The weather will be getting warmer because I am heading west..." Meaghan let out the longest 'oh my god' I have heard. West, south all the same direction...
Ok more of The Monkees as this song makes me happy and that is a good thing.