This is April Fool’s day – scrap about a trick or prank that was either pulled on you, a friend, or that you pulled on someone else!! If you have difficulty with this, you could alternatively scrap about a surprise you experienced or that you prepared for someone else (surprise birthday party??).
I have been to only one surprise party, for my eldest brother's 40th. It worked ok up until the point he drove into his street and saw all our cars and it didn't take long for him to put two and two together (being a policeman, he was clever like that...). But it was still a great night, he loved it and all the kids thought hiding was the best thing ever.

so pop on over and check out the other DT work, really good stuff there. And we are so pleased that more and more of you are joining in out challenges - not always the easiest but very interesting and always rewarding to get them done.
Just a follow up to my last LO featuring my tongue in cheek view that our house knows it is about to be demolished and has taken to fighting back. Well, the spookiest thing happened the other day.
I was home alone and had been pottering around both upstairs and in the back yard when I ventured into the kitchen for lunch. The cupboard door below the sink had flung itself open and ripped the top hinge out of the melamine frame. The front door was locked, I was properly spooked....
Am currently tip toeing around the house whispering soothing lies that we have changed our minds, although the number of boxes currently around may give the game away. Fingers crossed nothing else happens before we leave...
Also feeling better this week generally. I am just bought some wool to knit a scarf, the best thing about winter is my hands on craft increases. Love that.
have a great day xx
such a fun layout and fun to have a surprise party!! hope nothing else spooky in the house happens..
I had to laugh when you posted on my blog about beards!! LOL!!! I hate them too, but love my hubby's goatee!!
Spooky plus!!! We're in sunny QLD [not rain so far!!!]....hard to think of scarves up here:):)
Oh I just love this! It has surprise written all over it!
That is freaky!! Good luck with the packing...the craft room can be a bit of a nightmare!! Have a great Easter weekend away.
Alicia xx
Too funny.....your bother sounds like a cool guy! hahahah
fab layout!!!!
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