And who should drop by, via the so far completely unrelated site of Bird is the word but Em Stafrace herself. All serendipitous enough to make me sit down last night and today and play with her kit.
With a few bits from Sahlin Studio thrown in. man I love chevrons at the moment (yep I know, me and everyone else in the craft world!). Isn't the little boy image just wonderful, there is an equally splendiferous dog to go with him.
And then a more mixed Lo. using the July sketch from Get Creative
and some more wooden paper from Sahlin Studio-
Had lots of fun with this.
So go on over to Em's site, Just a Girl with ideas, and grab the freebie. You are going to see the chevron stamp alot in the future...
Oh and Lizzy, you were right about needing stitching or doodles on the lo, to be honest, I was going to do stitching on it but I was way too lazy to get the machine out and the LO suffered for it. Meaghan has stolen it now so it will remain unfinished...
And now just to keep Lizzy entertained on her train trips-
My old fall back- a good knitted patten and a man with a moustache they go hand in hand -

And this one just freaked me out a little - so I thought I should share it.... ahh 80's exercise fashion...