Today is Matt's last official day of High School. Last night we had the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner, a marathon effort that I am sure is only there to make sure parents and boys are sick o the sight of the school so we aren't so sad today. Yep a marathon 6 hour effort!! First 3 hours was ok - we had chapel, where the chaplain spoke so well about the journey the boys were about to begin (more of this later..) .
We were fed and one of the many ambassadors that hang around Canberrra spoke of her life experiences. To be fair she spoke well and her son is in Matt's house and Meaghan plays soccer with her daughter so maybe I was just used to her being around.
More speeches from the acting head and from a couple of the boys, all good.
And then the presentation ceremony began. 140+ boys all had to be presented with a bound book with their achievements and any awards that were honoured as well. Matt was second last (2 hours later...). A couple on the table next to us happily slept through the whole event...
And that was the last we saw of Matt as he went off with a friend to prepare for muck up day today. Which was good as we would have had to get up at 6am to take him to a breakfast this morning , I know laziness before parental duty but I am happy to hand some things off to other parents...
Tonight the new phase of worrying begins as he ventures off on a scavenger hunt with P platers, an allnighter. sigh. But I suspect that whatever Matt gets up to won't be anywhere near what we did in a country town Year 12 farewell...
Anyway, back to father Nickolai's sermon, he ended it with a poem, some classic you would think. But no he chose good old Dr Seuss, from the book, 'Oh! The Places You will go!! How cool is that!!
This is a book that should have been handed out to the year 12 with their CV's I think.. It talks of doing whatever you want but that troubles will strike along the way and you will get through them. I have just taken some of the stanzas that were highlighted during the sermon.

And I have been wanting to enter in a challenge at My Favourite things for a while now (Julie is so enthusiastic about everything, just love that!!) and this poem is now a firm fav.
We are very proud parents at the moments.xx