Last year I listened to a woman speaking on how, when surveyed, Canberra teens would rather be popular than well liked. My first thought was 'Is there a difference?". And the more I thought about it, the more I realised there was a difference and that the teens taking part in this survey were very mature to realise this, I certainly wouldn't have been able to at that age.
Anyway, last night Meaghan's indoor soccer team played against one of the other teams from their school. Meaghan always steps up her play for these games and takes them far more seriously, as do the rest of her team (unfortunately the other team is , lets face it a better team, so the result was a bit one sided..).
After the game Meaghan mentioned that they were the popular girls at school, that's why her team go in so hard. When I asked Meaghan about whether she would rather be popular or well liked, she gave me that look that only a teen can give. "they're the same thing at our school Mum.."
Then I asked her if she liked the popular girls. 'Sort of, but I don't really know them'. And I remembered that the popular girls in primary school were the ones behind a lot of the bullying that went on. And my teen years were the same. I knew who the popular girls were but didn't actually like them. Isn't that an odd thing. Maybe popular is synonymous with powerful rather than friendliness.
When discussing this with Matt and Geoff, Matt got it but Geoff didn't. After further discussion it turns out Geoff was considered popular at school (good at sports is also a qualifier in being popular, for boys at least I think). Actually I think I may have been popular at University and I am pretty sure there were quite a few people who didn't like me, hmmm, I don't think I would have liked me either...
What do you think? Is there a difference between boy and girl popularity? Maybe because I am coming from the perspective of not being in the popular group at school and having the eldest two kids not concerned about being the most popular (Henry is a different kettle of fish..) that it colours my view. I find the whole study a fascinating area.
Anyway onto more important matters, the latest Design Dollies challenge is out and it is sketch week, my fav.

and here is my take

popo on over to the Dollies site and come and play with us. We love all your entries.
Ok off to do book club at school now. Can't snesk a peek into Henry's class anymore as he is at the other end of school, being all grown up now, sigh...
have a great day
I totally think there is a difference... I have always been well liked but never 'popular' and I would choose well liked any day... the popular kids are always the ones that the bad teen movies are made from! LOL! I love love love love that lo... i loveeeeeeeeee those flowers! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Hi Karen,
I absolutely love your work! Your LOS are amazing!! I have been recently thinking about this popular scenario too lately. When we were at high school the popular kids came from a certain primary school in town. What I mean is The kids that were popular in high school all went to the same primary school and many were involved in smoking, drugs and sex. Now I have worked as an adult in the same Primary school I can see the potential of these kiddies in high school. To be honest I would prefer well-liked anyday.
Alicia xx
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