Henry loves icy poles and they are a sure fire way to keep him happy but finding a suitable ice treat proved very tricky. The green icy pole Geoff is holding is apple flavour, smelt and by all accounts tasted like shampoo (mmm, tasty). Many varieties were tried by the way they looked on advertising which just about always bore little resemblance to what was presented and ingredients were never a known quantity as it was all in Vietnamese.
Eventually the kids discovered drumstick like creations (chocolate for the older two, strawberry for Henry) that were deemed acceptable.
Hanoi had an ice cream cafe called fanny's. Meaghan loved it but Henry's strawberry ice cream was a sorbet, more disappointment for the boy.
Cambodia had a few surprises. Around the temples we found one (and apparently one only) ice cream seller, who sold Callipo's, Henry's favourite. The high light restaurant for the entire trip was a place called the Blue Pumpkin (aka Heaven after along hot day) that served the best vanilla ice cream I have tasted anywhere. So very yummy.
With anticipation of something smilar, we ordered ice cream at our hotel but were to experience the other end of the ice cream spectrum due to the interesting addition of frozen corn, I can't even begin to guess what they were thinking. (Matt ate most of it...)
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