(you can check out my gallery at their site here)
Busy day with Geoff starting his new job in Woden, as well as getting two more reluctant kids out the door. they both had yesterday off - Meaghan had swine shoulder and Matt had swine stomach. Geoff was also home yesterday with his one whole day off (minus a couple of hours to drop off laptop etc) between contracts.
as both older kids were feeling sorry for themselves I dropped Geoff off at his new place then on to the other schools, not too bad this morning and there is a great feeling of satisfaction knowing I would have an empty house for the day.
As usual I didn't achieve much, but printed off some stuff for mum for mother's day and then shopped and had a rare lunch with my husband - very grown up, as well as catching up with the lovely April who I haven't seen for an age.
Swimming for henry this afternoon as well as a meeting to decide Meaghan's year 8 electives for next year - I'm only just used to her being in year 7, this is way too much planning in advance for me! (eep - just found out that was last night, best make some phone calls!)
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