I stumbled onto this site, Scrap the music, after seeing Tessa's beautiful Lo from last week. As soon as I heard the opening chords of footloose I knew I had to scrap something, anything. This song is just so addictive, and of course being an 80's song I thought I would head back there (again, I know...).
This is my favourite photo from then, a time when you said yes to everything, especially dressing up for a party. These boys around me, well I married the tall one (whose 21st we were celebrating), another is still a close friend (One of Geoff's best men), and the rabbit's wife was one of my bridesmaids. The one in green became an Amway seller in the 90's (need I say more) and we have since lost touch...
Life certainly didn't pass us by then (although it does seem a bit that way now, sigh...)
fab layout......By the way i love when you go down memory lane...I wish i could all my photos are back in OZ! I will just have to make an special trip to collect them!!LOL
Oh Karen. Just when i think I've finally got my head around your past out comes something like this...
wonderful!!! great photo and sentiment! love your LO!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I loveeeeeeeee this!!! i love love love love that photo and the story!!! thanks soooooooooooooooo much for playing along with Scrapping the Music! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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