Finally have gotten (sort of) permission to use a photo from the night of Meaghan's social. This was on face book so I grabbed it, did the Lo and then received gracious permission from the daughter to publish...
Meaghan is right in the middle with two sets of the peace sign up - her fall back sign if poking her tongue out isn't an option.
Went for the trifecta for Design Dollies this week, -
-the colour scheme, white, kraft and pink.
-the elements
-1) Lace
2) The color PINK
3) Stripes
4) A crown (handy the girls were wearing crowns...)
5) TWO 3-d elements (or more)
and of course the sketch. really like this sketch, although I ended up only using one photo instead of two. Quite happy with the result.
First semi of Eurovision on our tele tonight - love it. Will miss the second semi as I am off with some friends to see an Abba cover band concert, so appropriate but will be watching the final on Sunday night. This means avoiding the news all day as it isn't on live and also making the decision whether to watch Dr Who or eurovision!! (Ok, easy as i will record the good Dr).
My favs so far are Iceland and Albania but really last year will be hard to top, loved Alexander and his violin. And of course the bonus of Henry, all of 6 at the time, singing to himself -'years ago when I was younger..."
have a great weekend, xx