Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where the Wild things are...

Last Friday I went on a magical not so mystery tour with Henry's class to the National Art Gallery (love living in Canberra were such a place is only 15minutes on a bus). On the short trip from the class to the bus I was befriended by one of the kids I hadn't had much to do with, I only really knew him by reputation, which I have to say wasn't good...

He asked whose mother I was and then told me he argued with his Mum ALL the time. Then he sat with me on the bus, turned to me and said 'I have anger management issues". OK, this is a 7 year old boy and my heart broke for him. The teachers told me later he just doesn't have any one who listens to him, very sad. I do however, now know everything there is to know about pro wrestling about which he was passionate and hoped to be one when he grew up. He was truly amazed his hero could get up after being hit by two tables, I shared his wonder for the bus trip.

The kids (year 1 and 2's) were better than I thought throughout the gallery. the guide we had managed to focus the group in a very constructive way, and seems to engage the boys in our group better than the few girls we had. After lunch in the outside sculpture garden, our class headed into the tranquility garden, magical place, water and palm trees with a path winding throughout. I'm glad there was no one else there because it wasn't terribly tranquil once the class swarmed in!

The rest of the afternoon was a bit of a rush but Henry is keen to go back and I am so glad I went.

The gardens were the only place we could take photo's and it reminded me of Maurice Sendaks book with monsters in the forest. The Lo is inspired by the latest Design Dollies colour challenge (blue, green, white and brown).

I manged to finish another 2 Lo's today, firstly for SPCC with the following colours:

Back to my childhood and the sunflower field that Dad planted one year. dad liked to dabble in the unusual while farming and this was nearly successful except for the hailstorm that hit just before harvest - doh. Luckily it was fully insured so nothing lost.

And lastly for The Studio, to scrap something that makes you laugh. At the moment that is definitely Henry, he loves to parrot his brother and sister, mostly in the right context but occasionally not. Very funny boy.

Just another reminder, the latest Butterfly Crafts written challenge is up with a great, huge prize pack from Nikki Sivils is up for grabs. Go check it out, well worth the effort.

Have a good day xx


Leah l'Orange said...

gorgeous gorgeous pages, Karen! i love your take on my Color Challenge at Design Dollies - what a fabby combo, and perfect for your photos! thanks for playing with us in the Dollhouse! good luck in the May prize draw, and i hope we'll be seeing you again soon! :)

Kristin - The Fifth Sparrow No More said...

Gorgeous work! Sunflowers are my favorites! Thanks for playing along at SPCC!

-Kristin SP Diva

Diana D said...

love your layouts and the picture with all the flowers is fabulous! Thanks for stopping by my blog too :)

Kate said...

gorgeous karen!! i love your style!! thanks for playing with us dollies!!

Allison said...

These LO's are fabulous! I really love the picture in the field of flowers - gorgeous!!

Allison - SP Diva

Irini said...

WOW love the layouts you have been busy!!

Anna said...

Great layouts, I love the speech bubbles, thanks for playing along at The Studio. Anna

Susan said...

Oh how I love your wonderful LOs and the sweet story.

Terri Trotter Earley said...

Great pages! What wonderful encouragement to get those photos out and scrapped.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Anonymous said...

Lovely LO! But your story was so touching! That lil man is probably still thinkin of that bus trip with you :) Thanks for playin with the Dollies!

Juanita said...

Wow these layouts are fab. Thanks for joining us at SPCC.

Stephanie said...

These LO's are wonderful! Great job! Thanks for playing at SPCC!