Any way Henry made me a nice card, Matt whipped out a haiku (see below) and Meaghan is in the process of cooking tea and dessert (hopefully with a bit of help from Geoff..). so not all bad, in fact quite good especially if Matt washes up.
And we did go for a bike ride as it was a lovely day - although that ended in a slight disaster when Henry crashed into to another kid who was on the wrong side of the track.

To finish off a LO I did for Design Dollies using two of their challenges, the colour challenge being pink, orange and cream (I found this quite tricky..) as well as including something for teacher appreciation week. This is for Meaghan's year 5 and 6 teacher who was perfect for improving Meaghan's confidence and preparing her for high school. fabulous teacher and I will be sorry when she leaves at the end of the year.

Off to ring my mother now, she's had a long week as Dad has been fighting an arm infection and ended up having the infection chopped out. Hopefully will be a better week this week. xx
OOO! This is so beautiful! Love how you melded the colors and all the fun details! Wonderful! Thanks for playin with us Dollies!
I thought the colour challenge was hard too, but you rocked it, this is beautiful and so glad you had such a wonderful teacher for your DD. Love Melissa (the Dollies)
Beautiful layout, Karen and so lovely to see appreciation for a great teacher!
p.s. Hope your Dad's arm is all better - that does sound painful!
Mothers Day is such a mixed bag isn't it, but glad you did OK. Ruby decided at 5.00 on Saturday night they had to go shopping for mothers Day - of course it had nothing to do with the fact I had just said there was no ice cream in the house and we weren't going to be making a special trip to the shops for it!! hehe.
PS loving your new profile phote. Great glasses!
Sounds like you had a lovely mother's day : )
Lovely LO X
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