Well, the big birthday has come and gone. And I have to say I had a great time. It was fun catching up with all my brothers and their families. we left Matt behind (he has trials next week and was cruising just a bit too much..) and headed north. It was good to be warm without heating again, I am sooo looking forward to spring (eek, we have an electricity bill due any day and it is going to be nasty).
This post is all over the place already, I'm bad enough normally but this is bad but I am way too lazy to start again.
A few weeks ago (5 I think), my mum rang me and said "i thought I'd put together a few of Michael's pictures together in an album, ooh hang on, your a scrapbooker aren't you, maybe you could throw something together...)
"yeah ok Mum how many photo's do you have?'
'I narrowed it down to about 80(!!!), I'll send them up.'
Thanks mum..
So 5 weeks later, I have a newly covered album with over 30 Lo's in it, very pleased with the end result (some of which have been no so subtly shown on the blog) but I have to say I am fairly sick of my big bro at the moment.
Anyway onto a few piccy's...

The happy recipient (I believe he took it to work on Monday)

More photos on Lo's later in the week.
On our trip home we spied these zebras (not quite a native species) on Lake George (a large dried up Lake bed near Canberra, mostly used as farmland). A local sculptor put them there and the local council tried to take them away, thus making them an instant tourist attraction..
They are now there for the foreseeable future, and the artist is thinking about a whale next, which I have to say would be very cool.
The Lo is using a sketchy thursday sketch.

Henry still thinks they are real.
Bed for the boy now, have a good week. xx
PS I have done the umbrella dresses from the previous post a disservice. It was raining and cold on one stage of the race so they put the girls in high waisted, very wide legged polka dotted pyjamas (well that's what they looked like to me, sorry can't find a photo so you will just have to use you're imagination). I was pleased to see the umbrellas back the next day. xx
Great LO Karen, thanks for playing along : )
Wondered what happened to you!
30 LO's wow!!!
Love the Zebras LOL
and believe it or not I did not eat any chocolate in Paris!!
only on the return plane trip when I was bumped up to first class because of a mix up. In first class they served to die for chocolates and now I cannot remember their name UGHHHHHHH
Looks like the birthday bash went over good!! Love the photos and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your ST LO!!!! Thanks sooooooooooooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Karen, I love your zebra LO. I think I will have to get myself out to Lake George to have a look at them soon.
How wonderful that your brother was so happy to get your hard worked on album. Sometimes males can be a bit underappreciative about handmade gifts - so I'm glad your brother wasn't! Well done on getting it completed in the timeframe!!!
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