First - I am SO VERY thankful Matt has finally finished his last exam. He had french on Friday and was probably the most nervous I have seen him as french is his weakest subject. In the overall scheme of the HSC, this is most likely the one whose marks don't count (they only count your top 10 units, and this has to include English and Matt has done 13 units so a bit of leeway).

He has been to two parties over the weekend and we are currently planning his 18th - finally - for this coming weekend, nothing too big - and we might finally get to meet his girlfriend...
Secondly - I am very pleased that we have raised my children to be polite and welcoming.
We went to some old friends house on Saturday night and took Meaghan and Henry along as they have two daughters, one 2 years older than Meaghan but who goes to her school and the other daughter who is Meghan's age although a different school.
And they completely blanked her!
I was so cross, I would have been horrified if Meaghan had shown anywhere near that amount of rudeness to guests in our house.
and lastly - I love my friends so very much. We were out for dinner last night (except Jo - hope you are better soon xx) and it was just a lovely night. We have reached such a comfortable, happy stage of our relationships with each other, the support is always there.

what I am not grateful for at the moment is our internet speed - it is so deadly slow, it is driving me bonkers - arrgh. it has taken 10 minutes for it to download each of these photos, and they are only tiny file sizes. It's like we have gone back to dial up. Stupid Transact.
have a great day - we are anxiously awaiting news of some close friend's eldest child (age 15) who has gone in for some very major surgery today. I hope that the results will be on my thankful list tomorrow. xx
1 comment:
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your gratitude list today Karen! I am loving the photos too!! Hope your internet gets faster soon and hope your friends surgery goes well! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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