and we are off.
If only I was packed
If only Henry wasn't sick
If only the house was cleaner
If only all the washing was done
If only all the shopping was done
If only I knew that someone other than me had to deal with all this before we left (Geoff is flat out at work)
If only I wasn't struggling to get out of first gear...
But enough whinging, we are going on a fabulous holiday, seeing new things, and I have made a pact with Matt not to say no to new experiences (with the exception of throwing ourselves off cliffs and eating bizarre things..).
We all traipsed off to the travel Dr last night, and after faithfully promising the kids that they probably wouldn't need to get more needles. But no- we all did need new booster shots (who knew typhoid shots only lasted three years - and the last time we got them - yep 3 years ago..). Hep A for the kids, and Meaghan had her tetanus etc a few months earlier than required. So add sore arms all around. No malaria tablets this time but we do have to watch out for the dengue mossie - love that, and apparently the repellent we have will keep away the leeches as well (eep).
Henry has missed his last two days of year 2, we will head in shortly so he can pack up his desk and say good bye to his lovely teacher. he always get very sad to say goodbye.
Got none of the scrapping done this week that needed doing, Failed to take into account having children home there, Matt had a hockey tournament and a writing course on, so my week was spent more in the car than out of it. But they came second and it did get him running around.
My mind has gone, must go do stuff. I will possibly be popping in occasionally as we are taking a little laptop (have to wrestle it away from the kids during down times).
But either way have a happy Christmas, it has been a good year. I have met new people who I have become friends with, my friendship group in Canberra has become stronger (love those girls so much - esp as a couple of them are tag teaming to feed the cat while we are away xx) and my family has ended the year healthy (ish).
Matt has tackled year 12 with the minimum of fuss, Meaghan has survived year 8 (next year will be interesting..), and is still talking to us. And Henry is still Henry.
I leave Canberra happy with where we are at.
Hope you all have a great Christmas and 2011. xx
Have a fabby trip, fabby Chrimbo, and even fabbier 2011 :D
Julie xx
Have a WONDERFUL vacation!! Just breathe and enjoy!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I wondered where you were!!!
Not long now.....have a fabulous time and 'see' you when you get back!
Wow...what a lovely summary to the year and how exciting to be going on a big OS Trip!! You will have an amazing time I am sure and no doubt will be scrapping and sharing heaps and heaps of photos when you get back.
Merry christmas and safe travelling.
Alicia xx
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