Design Dollies has kicked off the year with a new format, a little less rushed this year. Instead of three challenges a week, there will be one. First week of the month will be a colour combo, the next week an elements challenge then a sketch (I love the sketches!!). In the last week the trifecta will be up, so a chance to combine all the three previous weeks challenges. There is a lot of fun challenges ahead.
First up is this colour combo, chosen by the very talented Karen B (how many Karen's in the crafting world?? I suspect a never ending number..) I hope she is doing Ok weatherwise, as her part of the world is having a dreadful time with the floods at the moment
Blue, red, white and kraft

My Lo is still fairly plain as -
a) I am still feeling the after effects of travelling and
b) I reorganised my scrap stash just before I went away and now I can't find anything (doh!)
My Lo is something that still makes me laugh when I think about it. At Singapore zoo they have a kids water park, the highlight being an enormous bucket that fills slowly with water and then tips hundreds of litres down on the kids. Henry had stripped down to his shorts (he was the whitest, scrawniest kid there - his top half never sees the sun - ever... even when swimming he wears his rashie top, I think he glows in the dark he is so translucent..).
Geoff was wading around keeping an eye on Henry, he looked up and thought ' hmm, that bucket is just about full, I best move out of the way..) - too late, he was soaked through! Luckily it was a hot day and his shirt dried quickly, his heavy cargo pants took a bit more drying..

I'm sooo excited to be on the team with you!! congrats.. I saw you were form Canberra, I lived in Sydney for 9 months and miss it!!!! esp the Milo and chicken salted chips
Wooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! CONGRATS!! That is AWESOME!!!! I love love love love love that lo!!! And Adam got his card today and LOVED it!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! He never gets happy mail... so he was over the moon! He couldn't wait to display it in his room! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
huge congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTG
what a nice suprise to cone home to!!
Big congratulations! I think that colour combo is one I never really use. I like it though. Great Layout Karen.
woooo hooooo Karen!! I was so thrilled to find out you're of the new Dollies, it's going to be fun :) Yep, you're right, there do seem to be quite a few Karens in the crafting world, LOL. When I was in primary school there were 4 Karens in my class :/ Glad you liked the colour combo - you rocked it with this LO. I've loved reading about your holiday - sounds like a wonderful time for your whole family. My family is fine - we are fortunate to be in an area that has been unaffected by the floods - a few closed roads and bridges but nothing like the disaster zones half an hour away :( Take care and see you in the Dollhouse xx
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