You know I love a good sketch and this one is a cracker from the Dollhouse!! Such a versatile sketch, just check out the Dt's work here. All very different but wonderful. I think this is one of the better Lo's I have done in ages, what do you think??
I've given our holidays a miss this week (I can here the sighs of relief, you must be bored of hearing about them already..) and gone back to Matt's second formal at the end of last year. He does look very handsome - I think a mother's bias is OK! He is currently half heartedly looking for a job, hopefully he will get something soon, there seems to be a few part time jobs around at the moment. We are also well into his learning to drive, his confidence level is getting better (I think I have a very calm exterior when I am with him, although if he looked hard he would see how hard I am grasping the seatbelt..). Only a hundred or so hours to go - sigh.
Australia day tomorrow - and the hottest day this summer - 37 degrees! We went and bought a kids pool for Henry but I think the parents may be sitting it at some stage!! (the elder two children have other plans of course).
So happy Australia day and I will be back with the latest Southern Girls challenge in the next day or two. xx
Beautiful page! I love the hint of blue! Thanks for the inspiration!
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! This is AMAZING!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo...and the muted colors is WOW AMAZING!!! Stay cool tomorrow! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
WOW...very elegant page...Mat looks very handsome!!
Happy Australia Day!!!!!!!!!!
stay cool!!
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