Canberra has had one of it's wettest spring/summer and now into autumn that we have had for years. Most of the time we head into March with everything brown and dead, no matter how much (restricted) water we pour on. This year we didn't even need the sprinklers at all. Too odd.
So this months Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge -
Using sketch 9 – April showers bring May flowers – scrap about a rainfall, or storm. Perhaps the weather ruined your plans, or perhaps you were experiencing a drought or dry well and were relieved to see the heavens open. Or you can scrap about anything in the springtime, how it makes you feel after the long winter, new life, whatever speaks of this time to you!! You might not want to scrap about your garden though, as you may be doing that soon here – hint, hint!!
here is the sketch -
and here is my Lo - I'm not too rapt in the result, Anne very kindly called it rustic and she did like the banner so that's ok. I guess my paper scrapping is still a bit rusty at the moment. Be patient with me please....I do like the colour of the water flowing out of the lake over the dam wall - very reminiscent of Willy Wonker's chocolate river -
Anyway come and play, I'm sure with all the wild weather around in the past year that you have some photos/memories of storms that happened near you. Would love to see them.
And of course I have a little digi Lo as well to show you - Henry again won an Easter bunny in the school raffle. He has come to assume it is his right now after a couple of wins.
And this is making me very happy at the moment -This is a scene from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - one of my favourite series of books, set in Melbourne in the 1920's. the TV show is just wonderful, they have cast really well, and although Jack is different from the book, I like the difference. Only two left in the series to go - desperately hope they keep making them.
YES!!!! My fave series, too ~ nothing like a 'modern' woman. Go Phryne!!!! Ooohyuck! That water colour is so disgusting. Even if it was chocolate it's just tooooooo much.... I like your's different & I LOVE the string! I've dragged a photo out to do, but getting to do it is another matter:))
Goodness those are some impressive photos!!! I agree withlizzy!! Like
The twine!!!
Silly iPad giving me fits w commenting!!!
Loving both lo's!! LOVING the mesh material on the first one and loving that SMILEY face on the second one!
Oh Karen both of these are just fab!
Really like the flood LO - all that texture works for me. Plus thank you for your comment on blog - your insights astound me! Maybe could start combining your scrap booking talents with your deep insights into human psychopathology? Am thinking groundbreaking stuff.....
LOVE both the pages, esp the texture on the flood ones.. sorry there is soo much flooding but great pics!!!!
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