Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A couple of template/sketch challenges

Things are staring to get busy here, so what do I do? Sit and play at the computer of course...

actually taking advantage of the time when
a) the monitor is working, very slow to fire up each day now, I fear it is on it's last legs; and
b) the elder two aren't  home, as both their laptops are in the process of being fixed (or not in Meaghan's case as it will cost more to fix it than to replace it - luckily it is still usable).

Anyway, Anne has another wonderful sketch up at Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge - this time challenging us with circles - love what all the girls have come up with. -

and here is mine -
 this photo is taken at Canberra's latest attraction - The National Arboretum. They have planted a gazillion trees in different forest types, will be truly a great place in about 20 years... In the meantime, they have put a couple of sculpture on the couple of hills within the forest as well as a couple of interesting buildings and a large amphitheatre - such a good use of public space.

And just for fun, the have their monthly freebie template over at the Lilypad -
More circles which I have conveniently ignored -

and this was part of the festivities at Easter when we all went camping at a friends house for his 45th birthday. Lots of highly flammable vegetation was piled up and went up a bit more vigorously than expected. No damage done.

Ok, back to packing. have a good one. xx


Lizzy Hill said...

GOsh you've done a fabbo job of that sketch - it looks a bit hard to me...but there's nothing like a challenge, is there???!!!! Good luck with the packing:):):)

Lolô Artesanato said...

Gorgeous & gorgeous

Irini said...

Gorgeous layouts!!!!! i especially love the dark one you know me and bold colours!!!
p.s....I havent forgotten you I actaully have your chocolate in a parcel ready to post but I want to add something else wink wink ...and I owe you a humungus email.....
thinking of you

Francine said...

Hi Karen - I haven't visited your blog in such a long time, I feel very embarrassed!! So, I had a look at all the wonderful work you've been doing but can't go past Nest 3 - I absolutely adore it! And, it's making me feel bad about not having been up to the Arboretum since it officially opened either. Anyway, HI! and I'll try and visit more often now.