Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Old and New

Get Creative's latest challenge is to redo your earliest scrapbooking efforts - same photo   
but updated LO. As all my photos and pages are packed up, I went to my first Digi attempt. I didn't know how to resize anything but I must have known about layers and stamps and that's about it. This one was done in 2006.

 And my updated version. Coincidentally, both Lo's were done entirely with freebies (although The Lilypad's Freebies, Jump for Joy, from their Facebook hop are just superb, love them, all still available if you follow their designers on Facebook)

 My latest style is a bit (lot) messier then the original but lots more colour and movement. I have done some Project Life Lo's, week by week for the start of the year (God bless Digital photography for making that easier) and they are much more structured -

 It's harder than it looks ( that's a slight lie, I used a template, so physically it was dead easy but mentally, being tidy - such a stretch for me...)

We finally signed a lease for our new rental, lots closer to both kids schools and bus routes - all good (ignoring the fact that Geoff will take longer to get to work..). Only for 5 months fingers crossed.

It's finally starting to feel cold here, had the heater on for the first time this weekend, love that dusty smell first time they are fired up. Our next rental will be over winter so hoping the heater works well. Seems to be ducted to every room, so vital in Canberra's winters.

Ok, back to sorting more junk to be thrown out - how do I accumulate so much stuff?? Getting easier to get rid of things now, Hopefully by the time we move into the new house, the Purge will be complete.

Have good one. xx


Lizzy Hill said...

Wow! Your style certainly has changed...it has so much more movement now! And lovely layers! Good on you getting a home sorted out for the winter & brrr! Even here it's been a bit colder:):) Relatively, of course! Good on you doing PL pages...would make fun reading to look back on in a few years:):)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loving the new lo!! FAB colors and loving that title!! I need to try a re-do! Thanks for the inspo!!!

Mia said...

Yes, how does stuff keep accumulating? Sigh. How are you and how are the hols going? Loving all the sleep ins. Though Archie comes in at 7.30 and says "Can I turn the house into a cushion and pillow tent/light a bonfire/get out every toy I own?" and I say "yaaaasssss, let me sleep..." and then get up to a shambles :( Oh well! Hope you are well'xxxxx

geoleoan said...

awesome layouts ! I adore the remake!!!

Elena Stefanidou said...

Well I always love your layouts.And this one in particular is amazing.So different than the older.Thank you very much for joining at GC one more time

Irini said...

Karen your take on the challenge is fabulous!....i definitely love your style now...I am in awe of digi scrappers as photoshop is a foreign language to me and I am no good at languages hahahaha
thjank you so much for playing along!

Anonymous said...

Wowza, I love your new style ... and may I just say that it looks so 'real' ... more alive??? Amazing ... thank you for playing with us at Get Creative again!

Nothing said...

Oh wow!!!!! The remake is simply amazing!!! I love the colours, the messy look, everything!!! Thank you for playing with us at Get Creative!