We all got together last Thursday for our last class with the lovely Rebecca. We had all done our own versions of her pretty girls and they all turned out so different from each other but all wonderful. Such a lot of fun.
Mine was fairly messy (as is my way) but Meaghan wants it for her room so that's ok. Louise's reminded me of the 70's with the colours and circles (love those circles, use them constantly on my digital pages) and although I don't think she liked it (self criticism is the harshest as we all know) the rest of us did like it. She is such a good artist (ie Louise can get people to look like real people, unlike the alien efforts I end up with after any attempt), very envious.
I think it was universally accepted Jo's was the stand out on the night, after the disastrous start the week before, the end result was fabulous.
It was a great experience and I suspect this course will influence my scrapbooking in the near future. Must look to do something equally interesting next term (if I can get organised maybe the bollywood dancing will eventuate...)
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