These are the latest from my class. Very pleased with the lo, had to use the milk top (supplied by Jenni) in a layout. This is one of my favourite photos of Geoff and Henry, Henry trying to be so cool like Dad.
The post card for my inspiration board I picked up from the local bookshop. It is an old German one and I just love the colouring as well as the look on her face. I really am enjoying looking for these sorts of things and am absolutely green with envy at what the other ladies in the course are able to grab from there local flea markets in the US. We just don't have the population or the age for many cheap antiques to be floating around. Lets face it, if it is older that 20 years in Canberra it counts as ancient. I ordered some French antique ephemera and sequins/glitter from here but it is a bit exxy. Could have spent a small fortune easily. Anyway...
Wow, you have been so busy. I'm going to have to come around again with my canera. I love the Mr Dangly(the monkey?) Hope he is found by just that right person. Anway must dash. We need to be in Henty by two.
xxxx jo
Hi Karen,found you through coldantler thought Id drop by and say hello,most of my followers are from the US,which is great, but I love to check in on fellow Aussie bloggers.Feel free to come visit me too.Have a great week end :0)
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