Middle of the first week of the big kids holidays - I am very much looking forward to having Henry home as well. Matt and Meaghan both had friends over on Tues night, but they happily all played monopoly together for a few hours, with no parental interference- sorry guidance -needed.How good is that?
We were going to go to mum and dads next week for 5 days but as they are in Sydney (how selfish, planning a holiday months in advance and then not fitting in with my plans - hmmph) but we may go for a couple of days as I need to get a few things and drop some stuff off.
I am starting this 12 week internet class with Jenni Bowlin hopefully tomorrow, which I am very excited about. She uses lots of found items (vintage stuff, too yummy) for inspiration, and hopefully showing us how to go from inspired to our own work, a step I very much have trouble with. Lots of show and tell so no getting out of being slack (my usual state). Will hopefully show my work here as well. Should be fun.
Tonight is our school's trivia night, have actually convinced Geoff to go this year. Jo is studying up (pop culture, I am thinking we should call our table 'team Brangelina', what do you think?), Matt knows everything and I pretend, with Katie, Louise and Col very handy additions. Have a couple of people I don't know as well, I am expecting complete domination!!! Liz couldn't make it this year but at least she won't be repeating the sabotage from another table this year (am I still bitter and twisted? let me think about that...).
Just waiting for our new entertainment unit for downstairs to arrive, should make a big difference, like a grownup actually lives in this house. We are also ripping up the carpet upstairs on the weekend as well. Phew this is almost too much but all good fun.
ps1 the lo is for a pencil lines sketch competition, I really like this one, a little different to my usual style (no journalling, dates nor real title) but I really enjoyed doing it.
PS2 Peter's funeral was on Monday - tough day, but in many ways good bizarrely enough, may post about it later.
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