Ok, having watched twilight and then discussed it with Jo (go check out her work here, very cool) I have developed my own theory on which movie stars I like and why. The theory goes something like this - actors I don't like generally take them selves to seriously, whereas the ones I like seem to have look in their eye that says, I know it's only a movie, the world won't end if I stop acting. This twinkle seems to develop with age, I am trying to think of an actor under 30 who has it. The girl who plays Alice in twilight, the twins in Harry Potter and Abigail Breslin, with very little thought or research that's it.
So here is my lists of twinkly and non twinkly actors
Johnny Depp (oh yes..)
George Clooney
Brad Pitt (still developing with age)
Cary Grant
Meryl Streep
Hugh grant
Colin Firth
Julia Roberts
Ewan mcgregor
Will Smith
Harrison Ford
Gary Oldman
just about all english Actors
Robert Downey Jnr
Toni Collette
Hugh Jackman
Non twinkles
Sorry but just about everyone in twilight (all too young and serious, good looking yes but no sparkly bits...)
Tom Cruise (I think he had it but has lost it big time)
Nicole Kidman
Orlando Bloom
Keira Knightly
Val Kilmer (although this may be changing)
Actors I like who I wish would twinkle
Ed Norton
Russell Crowe
Heath Ledger (I know sadly too late)
Keanu Reeves
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
PS I hope you all just realise this is just an excuse to put a picture of Johnny Depp on my blog..