First day back, grumblings from the big two, and one very grumpy Henry, who hated having his haircut. I on the other hand was rapt, it had been 8 very long weeks esp towards the end with very little break from having at least one of the kids around. Does this make me a bad mother - probably but all I know was that I was in desperate need of some personal space and now, ahh heaven - so very quiet.
Henry's teacher is lovely and he is in a straight year 2 class with some of his friends plus he has met the new boy who has moved in around the corner (they actually sit next to each other in class).
Meaghan is an old hand at high school now after one whole year so no nerves and she is already loving art classes. they are off to see the Masterpieces from Paris exhibition at the National Gallery soon which means I can dawdle on in either by myself or with Geoff anytime we want now instead of waiting for Meaghan to be free as she was the only child who wanted to see it.
Matt, my baby (hmm maybe not) is starting his last year of high school. he had begun this already last year so already has read most of the texts and retained the same teachers. he has one 7am start per fortnight for extension history (he is studying how history looked at the Italian wars during the Renaissance) and one afternoon class for extension 2 English where he has to produce his own work. It is going to be a big year but Matt has set himself up well so hopefully not too much constant stress.
This photo was taken in the morning when Henry was still very unhappy. The colours are from a Colour Combo's galore challenge.

Yesterday Henry came home and realised no one had said anything about his haircut for two whole days so it was probably OK.
Matt did not escape so lightly with a few golden glints still visible.
PS Very excited as my Layout of Holly "sweet dreams" was chosen as the January winner at The Studio. How cool is that? And the prize is a Calico Studio Kit, so very yummy.
Oh happy days!! back at school!!
firstly huge congrats on winning the challenge over at the studio!! WTG!!
love the layout......and the title
Yes , yes, bring it on....
Love the photo of Henry with his new haircut. He is so funny.
Congrats again on your winning!!!
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