Ahh the rain - we had about a third of our annual rainfall in a week here, lovely soaking rain, no storms, no wind just rain. Canberra's little man made lake has a dam at one end and this is the first time in 8 years (in fact the week Meaghan started school) that they have opened the flood gates.
People came from all over Canberra to view this and wonder at actual water (Ok it is slightly green and there was a very small sign at the top apparently to warn you not to breathe in the water droplets as there is probably blue green algae present...).
All the rain meant postponing Henry's party so we have that to look forward to this weekend (3oC and sunny - perfect for a park party)
On to scrapping now. a few challenges this week, first up The Studio now has weekly challenges an the first was to speculate what life would be like to be male. Tessa's Lo made me laugh preferring to be female "I enjoy actually being right - not just always thinking that I am."
Here is mine, I always wanted to be a boy when I was little, preferring to be out with Dad on the farm to playing with dolls - although that could be because my brother (that's you Rob) bit the noses off my barbies.

A couple of lo's for Henry's birthday, firstly sketchy thursday, a nice simple lo this time., not sure about the green background though.

Page maps now, I haven't used their sketches before but who can resist a bird? They have some rather yummy prizes as well. This was our present to Henry and he is finally getting some confidence, although his pedal fell off yesterday which didn't help.

Sorry about the long post, just haven't had time to update this week. Have a good one, I'm off for a lunch with friends, yay. xx
Wow you have been busy!!!
i swear your layout for the Studio about being a boy looks digital!!
your layouts are fab as usual!!
oops - meant to write that it is digital - been ages since I have done digital but I do venture there now and again x
I know I left some love over at the studio, but I have to tell you again - I love your work! That PageMaps one is amazing! I love the ST one, too :).
Tessa, Sketchy Thursdays DT
Hi Karen - fancy meeting you here! I didn't know you had a blog, found it through the PageMaps comp, which I entered too.
Love the layout of Meaghan skating.
And ... funnily enough, I too have photos of Scrivener Dam open!!!!
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