So for mum I have done a Lo from my toddler days when pink was still a faint hope on Mum's horizon...
drum roll.....

In all it's glory. Actually I quite like the way it has turned out in the end, I have a few ideas for the trifecta at the end of the month now. Stay tuned.
Go check out the DT's work and then join in. It is fun, I can guarantee it.
It is rather late here now. Geoff is in Melbourne on business, Matt has just finished work (11pm - but he is enjoying it so far), Meaghan has the day off tomorrow (hmmpphh, we never had moderation days in our time) and Henry is just Henry (lovely and cuddly if a bit boney...)
Have a great day, am hoping to have a crafty day tomorrow - that's the plan, wish me luck. xxx
PS blogger is driving me nuts at the moment . And I have messed up my background paper so just ignore it for the moment, I am too tired and annoyed to try to fix it yet. xx
Oh how seriously pink and cute!!!!!!!!
Doesn't all that pink make you feel sweet?????
great challenge!!!
I totally agree with you, pink is just not me! But I love this page Karen, well done! Viv xx
I am soooooo loving the addition of crochet to your brilliant layout!
Ohhhhhh I love love love love this!! I loveeeeeeeeeee that photo of you, and loving the clothesline and the trim!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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