Ahh- isn't it always??? But this week, it is specifically about me (or you obviously..) in the latest challenge at Design Dollies. It is so hard to do a LO about yourself - esp if you are like me and always behind the camera, so there are very few photos of me out and about.
I have written about how hard it is to be yourself but I am finding it easier as I get older. I have more confidence now than I have ever had I think. It helps that I am in a happy stage of life where everything is reasonably easy- touch wood. I am also finding it a bit easier to speak my mind - hmmm by the time I am a bit older, watch out - I will be one of those cranky old women who harps on about the good old days and mutters about young whipper snappers...
So pop on over and tell us something about yourself!!
Now on to more exciting matters - the random winner of my little blog candy give away for Trace's birthday blog hop is
tada - Julie B from Rainbow Days.
Yay Julie, also a member of the hard working Southern Girls DT. Gotta Love that!!
And lastly a few photos from our lovely little city. It is Canberra's birthday this week, 98 years old (a mere baby I know). To help celebrate, a couple of the major institutions have put on a light/picture display using their building as a canvas. The results are spectacular. WE toddled along on Saturday night, it was perfect weather wise and when INXS are giving an open air concert that you can hear quite easily any where in parliamentary triangle, just wonderful. Photos are quite dark though - still getting the hang of the new camera and haven't had time for post production work on them.
This is the National Library

ok totally LOVE your page!!! and I agree I'm always behind the camera, but am letting my self out in front of it more often... I realized I need too.. LOVE all the cool photos!!!
Love your layout!!!
I know what you mean about being behind the camera, even when I try to take a photo of myself I am behind the camera in the pic...now did that make sense??????? it did in my brain.
Love the pic of the national library and the new Parliament building wow they have done a fabulous job!!
How did I miss that? Remind me when it's next on.
Like this LO the colours are lovely. Not sure if the photo captures the 'speak your mind' Karen. Maybe serene thoughts? :)
You know I love this!! I must say, I do agree with you - I find it so hard to scrap about myself and I am rarely in front of the camera. This year I'm trying to let go of my silly inhibitions and get in the pic a bit more often too.
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