First up the very important and quite tricky Dollies trifecta for the month. The colours are cream, green and purple, the sketch can be seen here and the element is love. As noted in an earlier post, I struggled with the purple element and the gorgeous Julie sent me some Nikki Sivils products from the 'sugar cookies line" How yummy is that???

And here is what I came up with. My curly haired son with his equally curly haired cousin. Very cute together. Go and check out what the other dollies have done and give it a whirl. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!

And I finally managed to get some extra scrapping done for the latest Sketchy Thursday challenge - here is the sketch

and here we are, back in Laos.

This place, Pha That Luang, is an astonishing sight . It took a little while on the back of a tuk tuk to get there from our hotel, we went down a sort of lane way, not paved, with chooks and dogs running all around, turned the corner and there it was. In the afternoon light it practically glowed. It is huge, we got there just before closing time (for visitors anyway) so we didn't get a great look around but so glad we got to see it. We are still unsure how they paint the upper sections...
Some more photos from the Stupa and surrounding areas. These were inside ...

I am glad they resisted the temptation to put plastic googly eyes on their dragons which we had seen in some other temples..

This is a wat just next to the larger stupa, much newer, very colourful and obviously in constant use by the locals.

And we think this is where the monks live. So over the top in decoration, just fabulous. You can just see some of the monks cleaning the outside.

I loved Laos...
Off to do the rounds of picking up kids, tennis etc. Geoff's birthday tomorrow, luckily he organised his main present himself (very power lights for his mountain bike) so I just have to put together a few little things and cook lasagna and cheese cake, his all time fav's.
Have a great day. xx
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I am soooooo happy you made something with the YUMMY Sugar Cookie line!!! I hope you send it to me.. so I can showcase you on Nikki's blog!!! I would loveeeeeeeee to share it!! And your other LO!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Loveeeeeeeeeee the colors, the photos! GORGEOUS! Thanks sooooooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Karen, I love your LO of Henry and his cousin. The picture is real cute too! I am so jealous seeing all your photos of Laos - have to add that to the list of places I must get to one day.
Thanks for always leaving such lovely comments on my blog too. And yes, kids have settled in to school fine - one year 10 and one year 9 this year! My oh my, where have the years gone?!
Great photos Karen. And by the way can I come for dinner tommorrow night. Lasagna and cheesecake are my favourites too!
PS thanks for the extra driving on my behalf today!!
Lucky you!!!!! (on the Nikki Sivilis goodies)
The layout is gorgoeus when I was reading the colour combo I thought how difficult, ....but you pulled it off perfectly!
Your Sketchy Thursdays layout is fabulous!....
You are back!!! LOL
the pics are wonderful I love getting lost in your pics. You should copy all that you have posted about your Christmas trip and have some professional printers make them into a book!!...
Lovely pages Karen and great piccies : )
Beautiful Nikki Sivils papers...Julie was so sweet to send me a bunch too!!
Love what you made with it and I love your take on the ST sketch! Beautiful photo's and I love your design!
Thanks for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays!
Sorry about that combo ;) but really, it was a challenge for me too. You rocked it, though of course I had no doubt you would! Loving those pics of Laos - it's on my wishlist of places to visit, with Vietnam and Cambodia too.
Love all of these! Thanks for joining us at Sketchy Thursdays this week:)
gorgeous work , love it !!! and those pics are just awesome !!!! hugz x
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