I was going to write that I was officially over visiting zoos. We have been to three in the past 9 months but really I would go to another one tomorrow if the opportunity arose. But only if I could take Henry with me (Meaghan loves going as well but she has to put on her slightly bored teenage- don't you dare take a photo of me- face when out in public).
Taronga zoo in Sydney has the most spectacular location for anything let alone a large zoo. It is on the side of a hill overlooking the Harbour, every time you turn a corner another spectacular vista plays out in front of you. Just getting there (ferry across the harbour, past the Opera house and the bridge) is a treat. It must be the best place to work.

Henry was more than happy to climb aboard the fake Komodo Dragon, the real one was, quite frankly, terrifying!!
When we asked Henry what his favourite animal is, it was most unexpected - "the dwarf tree frog' apparently took his fancy - The rest of us fell in love with the mountain goats, Taronga ha

Ok, used the latest Sketchy Thursday sketch, love using the strips of paper, good fun. Pretty quick Lo as well, love that!

If you are here for the Southern Girls blog Hop, check out here - We have had so amny enties already, thank you all!
Off to tea with close friends tonight- should be fun.
And of course the only night I have been out for an age is the same night Meaghan has an information night about an exchange program she is very keen to go on next year. Yep she is keen to experience the exotic nature of New Zealand for 3 months!! Don't get me wrong, love to visit NZ but I would have thought that a student exchange would be more beneficial to visit somewhere that is completely different to where you currently live... Anyway won't complain because it is also much cheaper to send her there than Europe and she is keen.
and we would have to visit - only a few hours away...
ok have a good one xx
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this Karen! I love love love those photos and the colors! Thanks soooooooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Love the layout...looks like fun I should try it too!!
As for Taronga Park Zoo...wow you brought back memories!! such happy smelly memories from my childhood. If I make it back to OZ sometime soon HA!! I will definitely take Christian there!!...
As for waking up at 0630 yep! I need 15 minutes to prod C3 out of bed then he has to get ready plus I prepare breakfasts for both boyz and lunch for one to take with him, then they are out the door by 0730 for C3 to catch the bus for school!!
we have to org a skype or Facebook chat soon have to get the time in sync!!
Grreat read thanks
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