After having a slight teary minute because he didn't have the agenda, we worked our way down the list. And it was mostly "oh, haven't quite finished this one.." or "mine has fallen off the display board.." and lastly 'oh, I've forgotten my password for the schools computer" so we didn't actually see much of Henry's work at all. And apparently he hasn't had a pencil case all year (supposed to be supplied directly to the school), has broken his ruler, used up all his glue and lost all his coloured pencils. Sigh.
But he is still happy at school and is keeping up with every thing. So we just have to work on the concentration thing and the whole getting stressed over little incidents thing as well.

If you look closely you can sort of see that I have used this sketch -

from The Paper Variety, if a little more messy...
And then we had Meaghan's parent teacher night last night. I think we could have just recorded the first interview and replayed it with small variations depending on the subject. "she is a lovely girl, very quiet in class, great bunch of friends but could do much better if she applied herself consistently..."
In fact I think this has been the same from day one of her schooling career...
Anyway, they will get by and I really don't have anything to complain about.
Back tomorrow with the latest Another Freaking Scrappy challenge, very similar theme to today.
Ah, those learning journeys are so funny. Usually run out of stuff to see pretty fast, then they get upset because you accidently admire someone else's work on the display board...oops. Haven't been around much. Sick. Weather crap and Archie has particularly anti social case of the croup and hasn't been at school all week! Any plans for the holidats? X.
I dread open house night at our school!! Your post made me smile! Glad it isn't just me!
Oh I hear you!!!!!
Poor Henry, tell him C3 is exactly the same forgets things, runs out etc. We had drama on the weekend because he had forgotten his history text book, luckily I downloaded what he needed online!!
Your layout is fabulous and Henry is extremely cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh how fun!!! Thank you for playing with us at The Paper Variety!
Great take on the sketch! The messy notebook paper background is a perfect touch!
Awesome are very talented! Thanks for joining us this week at The Paper Variety.
Gorgeous!! I love how you altered the sketch to fit your style :) Thanks for joining us at TPV this week :)
Brilliant LO Karen, I love your take on the sketch and the lovely colours and embellishments :)
Thanks for joining us for our sketch challenge this week at TPV :)
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