First up, my friend (and possibly twin from another life..), Irini's challenge site- Get Creative - a lovely sketch - and this is the closest I think I will get to a flower cluster. Ok, three probably doesn't count as a cluster, I tried to add more, honestly but it just isn't me. Much as I love the style I have resigned myself to the fact that I am not a cluster girl...

And here is my completed Lo -

This is Meaghan and her friend about to head off to a party. Gorgeous girls. Meaghan was most upset that I arrived ON TIME(!!) to pick her up. I was under firm instructions for the next party to wait at least 15 minutes until after the official end time to pick her up. sigh.
And a very overdue LO. This is Henry and his U9 soccer team this year.

Notice he is the only one in black shorts, because for some unknown reason, he stripped off upstairs one day and shoved his blue shorts under the couch, the same couch where I found 13 socks of his - why does he have a cupboard when his clothes seem to belong under this couch??
This is for the Scrap the Boys challenge- scrap your colours, ie scrap your boy in sporting gear/teams.
ok, off to watch Henry's athletics carnival for a little while. cheers xxx