I was tempted to do a fun belief (and any belief about mismatched socks I am more than willing to subscribe to* ) but I also am a firm believer in going through life not harming others. Ok, not perfect at this, but I try.

We took this photo at Buddha Park outside Vientiane in Laos, a really quirky place with both Buddhist and Hindu statues all made by one man, slightly tacky but fascinating and we loved every moment of visiting it. I love this free mixing of religious symbols throughout these countries. I cannot imagine for a minute a Christian, Muslim or Jewish park allowing symbols from other religions to have equal footing. Maybe I'm wrong . I love Anne's completely beautiful Lo depicting "one river, many wells", fits in perfectly with the park.
I think this ties in nicely with another fav of mine - which I have just discovered through the joys of Wikipediea, is called The Golden Rule - Do as you would be done by. If only our politicians and anyone with power or influence would follow this rule, there may be less lies, less condescension and less judgement of others.
Enough preaching now, I had some exciting news yesterday, I won a Echo Park pack from Scrapbookers Anonymous for this lo!!! yay, much dancing and little cheers from my direction.
Ok,check out the other Dt's gorgeous work and please tell us your philosophy of life, a tricky but very satisfying challenge to complete.
* I discovered the secret of why Henry's socks were more likely to fall into the mysterious 'single sock' category more than any other in our house when I cleaned under the couch up stairs. After ploughing through lots of stray lego pieces, I found 12(!!) of Henry's socks shoved under the couch and only two were pairs!! 8 singles!! I have no idea what he was thinking....
Hi Karen, sorry not been to visit for ages! Life just gets in they way doesnt it? Anyway, love your latest page, very phillo, philosofi, philosofa, awww heck that word u used!! Lol. I cant spell to save myself! Im off to have a good browse thru your blog to see what ive missed.
Hugs kat xx
LOVE your layout!!! And congrats on that other win with the echo park paper pack...you brat!!! :)
You know....I love your philosophy! I try very hard to instill that in my boys....if you treat people the way you would like to be treated, you absolutley can't go wrng in life! When they mess up i alays ask....would you like that if someone said/did that to you???? Then I ask them why andsay,, well I bet that person feels the same way.......life is too short to do anythingt but love one another!!
I loveeeeeeeeeeee this lo!! Such a great quote and photo! :):):):):):):):):):):)
You have scrapped this photo beautifully - I really feel at peace looking at it.
It's such a great philosophy....the world would be a different place if more people followed it.
This is awesome, love your layout and theory! A good one to life life by. giggles on sock, but you got me thinking why does he put socks in his lego! funny wee man.
Henry must be related to my Luke. Why is it the huge stash of legos must have things hidden in it! Spotted your win earlier today and I was so excited to yet again know a Scrapping Rock Star!
Love your newest page too! I do plan on playing along with that challenge, was just formulating what I might do...and oddly enough, it relates to.....MILK.
What a beautiful layout and so glad you shared the story as well. wonderful philosophy. I wish we could all remember that!
love the quote .... fabulous and your page matches it perfectly .... love it Karen ... hugz x
congrats on your win ... xoxo
now I'm going to browse through your amazing blog .. woohoo fun, fun, fun,
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