The very talented artist (and very close friend) Jo, came around the other day to inspect my stash of crafting supplies. I think she was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of paper supplies for scrapbooking I possessed and appreciated what a compulsive habit collecting said items could be. We also checked out my fabric pile and was taken a few of the latest fabrics I had picked up, esp the vespa print by Koko.
She also brought around some examples of her beautiful embroidery work with her fantastic ladies faces, so a plan was hatched to produce pattens of these fabulous works (it is print now Jo, so you have to do it!). unfortunately I didn't take photos so Jo will have to put them on her blog (still waiting....).
Anyway after she left, I had to go drop off some large cardboard boxes to the recycling place which just happens to be near(ish) to our local fabric store. I had to drop in too see if they had more of the fabric Jo had so admired, which they didn't (sigh). But they just happened to have some very new and totally groovy medium weight fabric, echino (tigers on flowers, as shown) as well as these fabric panels by Prints Charming, which I have embroidered and will become another cushion to be kicked around the house but at least I get to look at it every day. Not sure what to do with the tiger/owl print yet.
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