I was looking forward to a slow week this week - not to be. Matt is still in bed - he is the easy one at the moment.
Meaghan had her school carnival on at the AIS, not the best place to get to in peak hour, leaving Geoff to drop off Henry . Meaghan then discovered that she had lost her sports jacket (I won't even mention how expensive that was!) . after finally getting her there, Phone call from Geoff "any chance you'll be back in time to take us to work/school" hmm let me think about that -no.
next phone call from delivery man, very politely telling me he was at our house with our new dishwasher (yay) and was I far away? (apparently this counts as an hours notice that I was promised) Luckily I was now against the worst of the traffic and could fly home.
Then the phone bleeps, what now - oh goody a message from Geoff telling me the cat had vomited inside and he didn't have time to clean it up, about now I am willing to throw the phone away just for a few minutes peace.
Back home, ring Matt's school (forgot yesterday and then you get a phone call from the SARGE) and then collapse in front of my computer (after cleaning up the cat's little present of course).
Geoff was hinting that I could plumb in the dishwasher today (!!!), I know I am good but seriously, it is staying in it's box.
On a brighter note I have started the Book about Me (after rereading my previous paragraphs, it is all about me today, sorry!) for Cocoa Daisy.I am using a Heidi Swapp folder and although I am not rapt in the cover, may be altered soon , i like the facts page and I am going to enjoy scrapping in the smaller format for a while. The next couple are {if you knew me then...} and icreate both fun topics.
Off to lovely Jo's for morning tea, this is where I love being a stay at home mum, and then back home to meet the guy who will finally hopefully fix our landline which has been dodgy for weeks.
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