On Sunday we decided that a nice walk would be a good family thing to do - no matt as he was at drama practice. With our friends the Mcnivens who have a 12yo and a 10 yo (henry loves them to pieces, Meaghan claims to really, really not like them but her and Jasper are never far from each other whenever we go somewhere..) we headed out to Tidbinbilla park.
We had a lovely picnic lunch and then decided to tackle Gibraltar Rocks. Ok, I'm not the fittest of people but I was slightly worried that the guide mentioned the rating 'hard'. 6km round trip, not that long but let's face it it was all up hill on a fire trail -very bright, not really a bush walk, and slippery.
On the way up the kids ran (!!!) ahead, Geoff and Pete did the manly stride and Michelle and I sensibly walked at the rear and had a good chat. Henry dropped between the packs depending on who was more interesting. Henry was also the first one to spot the snake, long and brown and yes, deadly. Did he panic like a sensible child? well no, just ran back and casually pointed it out like it was a kangaroo. Luckily he didn't go too near it and the snake turned tail and ran - yay. But we were all a bit more wary after that.
Although I was completely worn out by the time we reached the rocks, the views were just astonishing. The wind was blowing a gale but that added to the drama of the place. Clear skies and a view back to Canberra, amazing and I have to say well worth it (even for very lazy people like yours truly...)
1 comment:
Good grief, I feel worn out just reading that. Loved the photograph of you at the top!
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