Sketchy Thursdays is a newish sketch site and here is my take on their latest sketch. Love this sketch and it will be used more than once I think.
I got to use some glimmer mist on the background paper which improved it significantly I think - the solid colour was just a bit too much. The subject is the great pile of Lego Henry has decided should live at the top of our stairs.
Off to Mum and Dad's tomorrow for their 50th wedding anniversary. Stacks of relatives, friends and any one dad happen to stop on the streets of Mulwala will be there. Shall have photos next week...
Meaghan turned 13 on Sunday as well, looking to do a couple of pages on that so opefully next week will have more to show (she is very taken with her new PURPLE mobile phone, I suspect surgery will be the only way to remove it from her now...).
Have a great weekend, esp here as it is a long weekend. x
Fabulous layout!! it is a great sketch isn't it!
Lego at the top of the stairs yikes!!
Purple mobile phone...good luck at getting her attention now. My stepdaughter is 14 and her 'i' something that plays music (I am not gadget savvy)is always connected to her ears while her jaws are continuously masticating gum....need i say more LOL
I love this layout . . . it's so great! I love the building . . . it reminds me of Legos!!
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