Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A new class

I ummmed and ahhed over whether or not to take Ali Edwards class at The Big Picture, and at the last minute I jumped on in. I loved doing the Jenni Bowlin class there and thought this might be as interesting. Now I am into the second week of classes, I am pleased I did. I can see that although Jenni did a wonderful class, her hands on time was limited, especially as it didn't seem to be a particularly big class. Ali seems to be all over everything. Her class preparation is and astonishing amount of work (including nearly hour long tutorial videos, class handouts and special digital elements). So I am seeing value for money. This class. for me anyway, seems not to be about learning new things yet (I already can work my scanner, and have done quite a lot of digital work) but about actually getting in and doing pages about my life, sorely lacking so far. So if all I achieve out of it is 12 lo's, that will be all worth it.

This introductory page has photos of me at different stages of my life so far. The main photo is of me wearing a dress mum made for me to wear to a school dance (no discos then!). What you can't see is that the pattern has little cannibals - with bones through their noses etc -on it. Not your standard pattern for a dress, but I guess in the 70's anything goes. Very cool purple tho as well as the lace down the front, fairly standard.

looking forward to the next class now xx


Irini said...

Beautiful layout karen! can't wait to see what else you scrap!

Laura said...

So cool Karen. That layout is BRILLIANT. I love it. Your purple dress was awesome!

Diana D said...

Have fun with your class. Mu Business partner is taking it too and was just raving about it this morning.