We finally got to go out for a birthday, we have only managed a lunch this year, just not the same. I love being with these girls, so much fun and we are at the point where we can just about discuss any topic with out hideous embarrassment (well, it's pretty hard to embarrass me at the best of times, so it might be up to the others to agree or disagree with that...).
Anyway it was Louise's turn this time. Present of the night would have to be the 'porn for women' book Jo got Louise, good looking men doing housework, how can you go wrong??
This Layout is for the lovely Design dollies with the tricky combination of purple, orange and white. I was desperate to get my hands dirty again and had big plans for paint, mist etc but as Geoff is still laid up in bed and conducting work over the phone (very hard to stay artistically inspired with the one sided conversation happening right next to you) as well as a distinct lack of anything purple it was off to digital Lo land again.

Squeezing in some Creativity Boot Camp as well. yesterday's word of the day was 'hush'. Thought about using peaceful pictures, children sleeping etc but decided to go the other way and show a photo of Henry at the fireworks. Sunglasses on (of course) and fingers stuck firmly in his ears, he loves the show but hates the noise.

And finally a word from last week, heavy metal. Struggled with this one, so departed from my journal and made a tag instead. How can you think of heavy metal and not come up with a black flower?
Quite happy with the way it turned out. I will be able to use it on a Lo later on I think.
Off to pick Henry up from school now, I can see blue sky when I look out the window I am facing but very grey and drizzly when I glance 90 degrees right. Hopefully it will hold off until after pick up.
Looove the layouts especially the 2nd one. The tag is amazing you did a great job.
Now as for the naked guys doing house work I WANT A COPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Such a nice digi LO! I also love the "hush" LO!! Very creative!
loving all your projects
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