Saturday started out so promisingly with a phone call saying Henry's soccer was off (yay). Meaghan's was still on, in the rain so I managed to get a park by the fence with the intention of staying warm and dry, until a phone call from Matt ("we don't know if we can get to the place we're supposed to be...") So back home and off to the other side of town, back to the soccer and having lost my parking spot had to stand in the rain to watch a close game between Meaghan's team and another team from her school (THE grudge match - although the half time speech 'you have to stop gossiping with the opposition...' is not a common pep talk). Unfortunately Meaghan's team lost, but meaghan probably had her best game so far, very proud of her.
Off to ABBA revisited that night with friends, haven't been out dancing for eons, so very, very much fun. The memories came flooding back and of course singing along at the top of my exceptionally untuneful voice was a high light, luckily everyone else was doing the same, so no one cared (at least that's what I tell myself in the hash reality of daylight...).
Back home before 11 to find out Geoff hadn't picked Matt up, so back in the car I go, sigh. And that was only Saturday.
Sunday equally busy (dropping Matt at hockey, shopping, picking niece up to spend afternoon with us, flattish tyre -luckily no change required.. etc). The highlight (??) being the suggestion from my husband (and stupidly agreed to by myself) that a ride around the lake (25km) would be fun and we could squeeze it in before the rain hit, HA.. We probably had about 10minutes out before light drizzle hit, not too bad so we kept going, HA, wetter and wetter we got, the rain was a lovey steadily getting heavy rain rain that seems so rare in Canberra, HA.
I have never been so wet in a non aquatic event before, the upside being, besides the exercise, I repeat HA, is that Geoff owes me big time now, hmmm, where's that credit card again...
Monday, after the normal school rush, plus dentist appointment for Henry saw me kick back and do not much at all, just one Lo as my Cocoa Daisy kit arrived (yay). Everything used on this Lo is from their May Kit with some of their add ons as well. How yummy is that??
I used a sketch from Twisted Sketches, with the twisted to include something New. This is about Mum when she was a new teacher, 50 kids in her class (and we complain if there's more than 20 in the kindy classes now..). Once she married dad, she no longer taught but quite a few of her pupils still live nearby, and still call her Miss Hawke (in fun mostly) and most are heading towards being grandparents themselves.

Enough rambling now, back to my token attempts at housework...
Wow what a wet weekend!! Plus it sounds exhausting!
love the layout.....
I love the colours on that LO - plus crazy about bunting anywhere.
I can imagine some people thinking riding in the rain was fun. Not me.Now use those brownie points wisely wont you....
Amazing job on this twisted sketch! love tha photo! awesome work! TFS!
Great layout Karen, love the banner at the bottom.
great page, thanks for getting twisted with us :)
love what you did! the banner is adorable, thanks for playing!
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